Homes For Sale
At any one given time, ther are approximately 3,000+ homes for sale in South Bend, Mishawaka, Granger, Notre Dame, Osceola, Elkhart, Goshen, Nappannee and surrounding areas. For your convenience, the Multiple Listing Service is now posting all of its residential listings on the web. It is a scaled down version of the MLS software which will give you a good general idea of what is available here in the area.
For more detailed information, simply email us. We can tell you a whole lot more:
- Tracking
When did the home come on the market? At what price? - Transfer Date
When did the home last sell? At what price? - Subdivision History
What are other properties in the same subdivision going for? What have other properties in the same subdivision sold for in the past? - New Listings and Updates
We can program the MLS computer based on your search criteria. All new listings and updates are then automatically brought to our attention. We can then send you this new information immediately via email. - Plus a Whole Lot More...
Keep in mind that the listing agents have already signed contracts with the Sellers to represent their interests and not yours. Since we do not accept any listings, we can represent you and your interests exclusively on every home you will view.